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7.12.5 Details for sampling function settings
Settings related to sampling function are shown below. Each setting is imported when the sampling is started
(SMPS: ON). The sampling setting cannot be changed while Waiting for sampling trigger (SMPW) is on and
Sampling is being performed (SMPO) is on.
(1) Sampling setting
Setting No. Name Initial value Setting range Remarks
0001 Sampling option 00000000h 00000000h to
Sampling cycle
Set the sampling cycle.
00h to FFh: Control cycle
(setting +1)
If the sampling cycle is set to 3 with
the control cycle set to 0.44ms,
sampling is executed every
Trigger mode
Set the trigger mode.
0: Trigger turns on when the
sampling is started.
1: Trigger turns on when one
of each trigger condition is
2: Trigger turns on when all of
the trigger conditions are
Set the timing that the trigger
condition is satisfied.
0 to 9: Setting 10%
When pre-trigger is 10% with
8192 points of sampling
points, 819 points of data
0002 Sampling points 8192 0 to 65536 Set the points to be sampled.
0003 For manufacturer setting 00000000h
0004 00000000h
0005 00000000h
0006 00000000h
0007 00000000h
0008 00000000h
0009 00000000h
000A 00000000h
000B 00000000h
000C 00000000h
000D 00000000h
000E 00000000h
000F 00000000h