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(b) Details on status bit
Abbreviation Signal name Function details
IITO During interface mode
interrupt valid
Notifies the interrupt during interface mode is valid.
<Conditions for turning on>
• Interrupt output valid (ITS) is turned on.
<Conditions for turning off>
• Interrupt output valid (ITS) is turned off.
BMA During system program
memory access
Notifies the system program is accessing the command buffer.
<Conditions for turning on>
• The system program is accessing the command buffer.
<Conditions for turning off>
• The system program is not accessing the command buffer.
IFMO In interface mode [Function]
Notifies the control mode is in interface mode.
<Conditions for turning on>
• Interface mode is selected in control mode, and system startup is performed.
<Conditions for turning off>
• Standard mode is selected in control mode, and system startup is performed.