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<Operating procedure for ROM writing> Write the data of MT Developer to the ROM.
The operating procedure for ROM writing using the MT Developer is shown below.
Be sure to write the all data beforehand to SRAM built-in
Motion CPU module at the ROM writing.
2) Check data of MT Developer written in the
Motion CPU.
3) Select "Program memory + CPU ROM" in
target memory.
(Note): Mechanical system program and cam data
(converted data) cannot be displayed when
using OS type "SW8DNC-SV13".
Main Frame screen
1) Select menu "Online" -"Write to CPU" to
display "Write to CPU" screen.
Write to CPU screen
Operating procedure
4) Select "Execute" button.
SRAM data built in Motion CPU module is written
to ROM after writing data of MT developer to
SRAM built-in Motion CPU module.