APP - 11
APPENDIX 1.3 Replacement of special relays/special registers
When a project for Q173HCPU(-T)/Q172HCPU(-T)/Q173CPUN(-T)/Q172CPUN(-T)/
Q173CPU/Q172CPU is converted into a project for Q173DCPU/Q172DCPU using the
"Project management - File diversion" in MT Developer, special relays (M9000 to
M9255) and special registers (D9000 to D9255) are automatically converted into new
special relays (SM2000 to SM2255) and special registers (SD2000 to SD2255)
However, in order to maintain the same functionality the user must manually convert
them to the special relays and special registers shown in Table 1.3 and Table 1.4
below for Q173DCPU/Q172DCPU.
Table 1.3 Replacement of special relays
Device No.
Special relays for
converted to
special relays
Special relays for
Name Remark
M9000 SM2000 SM60 Fuse blown detection
M9005 SM2005 SM53 AC/DC DOWN detection
M9006 SM2006 SM52 Battery low
M9007 SM2007 SM51 Battery low latch
M9008 SM2008 SM1 Self-diagnostic error
M9010 SM2010 SM0 Diagnostic error
M9025 — — Clock data set request
M9026 SM2026 SM211 Clock data error
M9028 SM2028 SM801 Clock data read request
M9036 SM2036 SM400 Always ON
M9037 SM2037 SM401 Always OFF
M9060 SM2060 — Diagnostic error reset
Use M2039 for error
reset operation.
M9073 SM2073 SM512 Motion CPU WDT error
M9074 SM2074 SM500 PCPU READY complete
M9075 SM2075 SM501 Test mode ON
M9076 SM2076 SM502 External forced stop input
M9077 SM2077 SM513 Manual pulse generator axis setting error
M9078 SM2078 SM510 TEST mode request error
M9079 SM2079 SM516 Servo program setting error
M9216 SM2216 SM528 No.1 CPU MULTR complete
M9217 SM2217 SM529 No.2 CPU MULTR complete
M9218 SM2218 SM530 No.3 CPU MULTR complete
M9219 SM2219 SM531 No.4 CPU MULTR complete
M9240 SM2240 SM240 No.1 CPU resetting
M9241 SM2241 SM241 No.2 CPU resetting
M9242 SM2242 SM242 No.3 CPU resetting
M9243 SM2243 SM243 No.4 CPU resetting
M9244 SM2244 SM244 No.1 CPU error
M9245 SM2245 SM245 No.2 CPU error
M9246 SM2246 SM246 No.3 CPU error
M9247 SM2247 SM247 No.4 CPU error