Use and program the remote
Once programmed with two device codes, the remote controls power
for the TV and the second audio device, as well as volume and mute
for the second (audio) device.
1. In front of the device, press and hold the Moxi and OK buttons
simultaneously on the Moxi remote, until the LED at the top of the
remote blinks twice.
2. Slowly, press the ch+ button repeatedly to advance through the code
list until the device responds (turns on or
3. Once the device responds, press the OK button to set the current
4. Press the power button on the remote control. If the device does not
respond, repeat the previous steps pressing the ch+ button more
Additional programming features
To view which device you have programmed for a specific remote con-
trol key:
1. Press the Moxi button and OK buttons.
2. Press the info button, and then press any one of the four program-
mable keys (such as, vol+/-, mute, or power).
The LED light for the power button blinks back the code, blinking the
number of times equal to the first digit of the code, then pausing
before blinking the number of times equal to the second digit in the
code, and so forth. For the digit 0, the LED blinks rapidly several
To reset the Moxi remote to the original factory settings:
Press the Moxi plus OK buttons simultaneously and hold until the LED
light blinks twice, and then press clear, clear, clear.
Infrared emitter
When a button on the remote is pressed, the infrared signal is sent to
an IR receiver on the front panel of the Moxi HD digital video recorder,
sending commands to electronic components.
For the IR emitter to send its signals to the Moxi 3012, it must have a
clear, unobstructed view of the infrared receiver on the front panel of
the Moxi digital video recorder. To see the receiver, shine a flashlight
at the front panel of the set-top box.
Some older devices may not be supported. If the device fails to
respond to any code, use its original remote to control it.
The default settings for the vol+/- and mute buttons control the TV
when there is not an audio device programmed. When an audio
device is programmed, then the default settings for the vol +/- and
mute buttons are controlled through that device.
IR receiver