Use the Moxi Menu
Recording series
The record series option is available from the action menu anytime
you select a series episode in the Moxi Menu. If you select record
series, The Moxi digital video recorder records the series according to
your settings, which are accessible from any episode, or go to the Find
& Record category.
1. Open the Series Options card.
2. Scroll to the series you want to update.
3. Press OK.
4. Select recording options from the menu. The current options for
the series are summarized on the left in the following figure.
5. Select an option to change it.
• Stop: The default setting is on time. You can stop the
recording up to five minutes early or up to 90 minutes late.
•Start: The default setting is on time. You can start the
recording up to five minutes early or late.
• Keep: The default setting is two days, which means the
program is eligible for deletion after two days, but it is not
deleted until space is needed for new recordings. You can
choose to keep the program protected only until space is
needed, up to four days, or until you delete it manually.
• Episode Limit: This sets the maximum number of episodes
of the series that the Moxi digital video recorder will record.
If the maximum is reached, new recordings of the series
replace the oldest recording of the series. The default setting
is five but this can be changed to any number between one
and five. You can also remove the limit by selecting unlim
• Accept: The default setting is accept repeats. If you do not
want repeat episodes recorded, choose first-run only.
• Timeslots: The default setting is all. With some shows, you
may want to record repeats but you do not want to record
all the repeats. For example, if a show airs several times a
day, or if a network runs a marathon, you might only want
the shows that air during a specific timeslot. The Moxi 3012
checks to see which timeslots are available and allows you to
select a single timeslot or set it to all to record every episode
that meets your other criteria.
The O.C.
Love, Inc.
I Shouldn’t Be Alive
Dog Whisperer, The
American Inventor
Change Time Slot
Coming Up
My name Is Earl
The Office
record once
see all times
Set Relock Timer
episode limit
Options for this series recording:
Start: on time
Stop: on time
Keep: 2 days
Episode Limit: 2
Accept: first-run only
Timeslots: All
Select an option to change it.
38 Series