Item Description
Alarm Duration(Seconds) Alarm duration time (1~60 seconds).
Motion Popup
Check the box to Enable/ Disable popup screen function for all channels.
When motion is detected in LIVE mode, the detected channel image will
popup in full screen display.
Enable Check the box to Enable/ Disable motion detection for each channel.
Drag the bar or press ◀ ▶ to set up Sensitivity from value 0 to 10 for each
channel. The lower value you set the higher sensitivity it will be
Motion Area Setup Enter to setup motion detection area Motion Area Setup
There are partitions in motion detection area. Under i
nitializing status, motion
detection area is in the entire screen. Red colored area is undetected; yet the
detected area is transparent.
Item Description
Mask Mouse Selection
Select to mask the mouse selected area.
All Area Detection Select all the images as motion detection area.
Mask All Area Cancel all motion detection images on the screen.
Continue Continue setup.
Exit & Save Save setup and exit setup page.
Exit & Discard Cancel setup and exit setup page.