Click “date” to display recording time of that specific date with time bar. You can
change time (hour/ minute/ second) or click on a specific time of time bar by mouse
then press “YES”. DVR will playback the selected recording data.
5.2 Backup Setup
User can back-up any segment of recorded data in a specified time frame. To do so,
connect a USB flash driver to the DVR. The format of backup file is IRF file and a file
player is also saved in the USB driver.
Item Description
Backup file starting time
Backup file ending time
Select USB as the backup device (From remote site, the device will be PC.)
Free Space
The available space in your backup device
Recalculate the available space of backup device
Required Space
Calculate the required size of backup file
Calculate the size of backup file
Start backup operation. Be sure to calculate the size of backup file BEFORE
operating backup.
! Do not unplug the USB device or turn off the DVR during the backup process to avoid
unrecoverable error. When backup is completed, you need to re-plug in order to insure
proper function.