
Chapter 2: Getting Started
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. FF240-IP Admin User Guide 17
Sending a test fax on your SIP network:
A. Go to the Fax Configuration page and configure SIP Proxy/Gateway field with the IP address of
the SIP device the FF240-IP will communicate with when sending faxes. This could be a SIP proxy,
SIP Gateway or IP PBX. Enter the SIP Domain if required by your SIP device. If your SIP Device
requires authorization, enable the Authorization Required check box, and fill out the Username,
Password, Confirm Password fields as required. Enable Use Registrar and enter the Registrar IP
address if the FF240-IP must use a registrar for SIP call routing. Configure the Local, SIP Proxy,
and Registrar Port values if your SIP device requires something other than the normal default
5060 value. Configure the T.38 values as required by your SIP device, the default values are a
good starting point for most installations. You may need to reconfigure the Fax Method to T.30
Pass Through if your SIP device does not support T.38. You may configure FF240-IP to use some
or all of the extension digits passed to it by the SIP device for routing the incoming faxes by
modifying the Extension Digits and Extension Length fields. When you finish configuring SIP/T.38
values, click the Save button. Go to the Send Fax screen and send a fax to a remote fax machine
accessible through your SIP device. Configure the dial plan on your SIP device to properly route
incoming fax calls to FF240-IP, and then send a fax to FF240-IP from a remote fax machine.
B. View the status of the fax by viewing Fax Status and Inbound/Outbound Fax Log screens under
Status and Logs similar to what was done for the loop-back fax above.
C. Verify also that you can open the fax in a PDF viewer program on your computer. The PDF viewer
could be any commercial or open source PDF viewer. You can also choose to have your fax
messages delivered as TIFF files. The TIFF viewer program you use could be either the Multi-Tech
TIFF Viewer or a graphic file viewer included with or installed in your PC. (The Multi-Tech TIFF
viewer is included on the Product CD and installed with other client programs. During
installation, you can choose to associate all TIFF files with the Multi-Tech TIFF Viewer or leave
them associated with another program.) In your email program, double-click on the file attached
to the email message. The PDF or TIFF viewer program will come up automatically displaying the
fax file.
8. Adding Client-Users
It is important to
get the users added for the FF240-IP as the contact database is tied to the user
account for those users who will send faxes. The best case scenario would have all potential users
added before the users install the client software and begin to use the FF240-IP, that way, the contact
lists will be automatically populated with any contacts they already have that have been entered into
the FF240-IP unit for that user.
A. Click on the Users link in the top navigation bar to create entries for the other users in your office
who will send faxes through the FF240-IP. For each such FF240-IP client/user, enter the
Username, Password, phone numbers and email address in the appropriate fields.
B. Click on the Add
link in the upper right-hand corner of the Users window to create a new client
user. Ensure that you click on the Update button after each entry before creating the next one.
The new User will appear in the list of FaxFinder Users.
An alternative method for populating the User database is Comma Separated Value importation.
By default, there is an Administrator user that cannot be deleted, but you can click on the Edit
action item to change the information and password.