Chapter 5: FaxFinder-IP Operation
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. FF240-IP Admin User Guide 89
Print Capture Tab (Main Window)
Any potential faxes sent from the print to FF240-IP option will be here, ready for additions, setting
changes or scheduling. There are two columns to this field: Document (the name of the document ready
to be scheduled) and Pages (the total number of pages in the document). To access the options for
items in the print capture area, right-click on the document name.
Selecting this will ope
n the Fax Scheduler window allowing you to change any parameters as needed
and schedule your fax for a specific time or send it immediately. The Fax Schedule screen is covered
earlier in this chapter.
Selecting the
view option will open the document (a TIFF file) with the program associated with its
extension type; if you chose to associate TIFF files with the TIFF Viewer during installation, that is the
program that will open the file.
Selecting this will permane
ntly delete the document from the client software. Entries in the Print
Capture tab will remain until they are manually deleted using this command.
Clear All
Selecting this option wi
ll clear the entire list of entries in the Print Capture section.