Chapter 4: Configuring your VOIP
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. 33
Ethernet/IP Parameter Definitions
Field Name
alues Description
Ethernet Parameters
Packet Prioritization
Y/N Select to activate prioritization under 802.1p protocol (described below).
Frame Type Type II, SNAP Must be set to match network’s frame type. Default is Type II.
802.1p A draft standard of the IEEE about data traffic prioritization on Ethernet networks. The 802.1p
draft is an extension of the 802.1D bridging standard. 802.1D determines how prioritization will
operate within a MAC-layer bridge for any kind of media. The 802.1Q draft for virtual local-area-
networks (VLANs) addresses the issue of prioritization for Ethernet networks in particular.
802.1p enacts this Quality-of-Service feature using 3 bits. This 3-bit code allows data switches to
reorder packets based on priority level. The descriptors for the 8 priority levels are given below.
1 – Background: Bulk transfers and other activities permitted on the network, but should not
affect the use of network by other users and applications.
2 – Spare: An unused (spare) value of the user priority.
0 – Best Effort (default): Normal priority for ordinary LAN traffic.
3 – Excellent Effort: The best effort type of service that an information services organization
would deliver to its most important customers.
4 – Controlled Load: Important business applications subject to some form of “Admission
Control”, such as preplanning of Network requirement, characterized by bandwidth
reservation per flow.
5 – Video: Traffic characterized by delay < 100 ms.
6 – Voice: Traffic characterized by delay < 10 ms.
7 - Network Control: Traffic urgently needed to maintain and support network infrastructure.
Call Control Priority 0-7, where 0 is
lowest priority
Sets the priority for signaling packets.
VOIP Media Priority 0-7, where 0 is
lowest priority
Sets the priority for media packets.
Others (Priorities) 0-7, where 0 is
lowest priority
Sets the priority for SMTP, DNS, DHCP, and other packet types.
VLAN ID 1 - 4094 The 802.1Q IEEE standard allows virtual LANs to be defined within a network.
This field identifies each virtual LAN by number.
IP Parameter fields
Gateway Name alphanumeric Descriptor of current VOIP unit to distinguish it from other units in system.
Enable DHCP Y/N
disabled by
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol is a method for assigning IP address and
other IP parameters to computers on the IP network in a single message with
great flexibility. IP addresses can be static or temporary depending on the
needs of the computer.
IP Address
The unique LAN IP address assigned to the MultiVOIP.
IP Mask
Subnetwork address that allows for sharing of IP addresses within a LAN.
The IP address of the device that connects your MultiVOIP to the Internet.
Table is continued on next page…