Chapter 4: Configuring your VOIP
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. 41
FXS Loop Start Parameters
The parameters applicable to FXS Loop Start are shown in the figure below and described in the table
that follows.
Figure 4-4: FXS Loop Start parameters
FXS Loop Start Interface: Parameter Definitions
Field Name
alues Description
Dialing Options fields
FXS (Loop Start) Y/N Enables FXS Loop Start interface type.
Inter Digit Timer 1 - 10 seconds This is the length of time that the MultiVOIP will wait between digits.
When the time expires, the MultiVOIP will look in the outbound
phonebook for the number entered and place the call accordingly.
Default = 2.
Message Waiting
Not applicable to –SS series MultiVOIPs.
Inter Digit
Regeneration Time
in milliseconds
The length of time between the outputting of DTMF digits.
Default = 100 ms.
FXS Options fields
FXS Ring Count,
1-10 Maximum number of rings that the MultiVOIP will issue before giving
up the attempted call.
Current Loss Y/N When enabled, the MultiVOIP will interrupt loop current in the FXS
circuit to initiate a disconnection. This tells the device connected to the
FXS port to hang up. The Multi-VOIP cannot drop the call; the FXS
device must go on hook.
Generate Current
Y/N When selected, this option implements Answer Supervision and
Disconnect Supervision to the FXO interface using current reversal to
indicate events. Applicable only when FXS and FXO interfaces are
connected back to back.
Table is continued on next page…