Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions
L NAPCO Security Systems
WI1501A 9/06
Page 24
E19 - Lug E19 is the Listen in Lug. It is an input and when it is forced low the panel will silence the keypad/Touchpad sounder and
bell outputs so that the Veri-phone can listen to activity at the residence. See Veri-Phone (WI783): Silence All Outputs During
Audio Session. Use Napco Part number "WL1" for field wiring.
Easy Exit
While armed in the Interior Mode, Easy Exit can be initiated by pressing STAY. Easy Exit restarts the Exit delay, allowing a User to exit
an armed premises without disarming and rearming the system.
Easy Menu-Driven Program Mode See Dealer Program Mode
Easy Programming of Auto download ID #'s and PC Preset Callback #
It is now possible to set the PC Preset Auto download ID # and PC Preset Callback phone number from the F-64PROG programmer
Easy Menu Driven Program Mode.
1. Enter the Easy Menu Driven Program Mode and press PRIOR/NO until Central Phone # is displayed.
2. Program an "F" followed by the Auto Download ID # (2 digits) and then the Callback Telco # (up to 13 digits).
3. Press
U to save.
4. Exit Program Mode (press RESET, RESET).
5. Remove the F-64PROG Programmer and install a Freedom F-64TP Touchpad (the connector used to wire the F-64PROG to the
system buss can also be used with the F-64TP Touchpad).
6. Insert the Master I-FOB into the face of the Touchpad and enter Touchpad Menu Mode by pressing MENU.
7. Go to Function "ACTIVATE DOWNLOAD Y/N" and press YES.
8. The panel will automatically call the PCPreset computer and download the program on the specified Auto DL line #.
Note: After the auto download of the control panel program, the system must be fully tested.
See following example:
Example: Program an Auto Download ID # of 07 and a PC Preset Callback # of 1-516-842-9400.
• Go to Central Phone # input screen and press: [*] [5] [0] [7] [1] [5] [1] [6] [8] [4] [2] [9] [4] [0] [0] [ON/OFF]
("F") (Auto DL ID#) (Callback Phone #) (Save)
Enable Alarm Output on Telco Fail only when Area(s) Armed (Alarm Output Only when Armed)
Allow Telephone Line Fault test to produce an Alarm Output only when armed. Note: Requires "System Features: Alarm Output",
"Telco Fail" and version 9 or later panel.
Enable CP-01 Egress Tones Only: Enable this feature if you want exit and entry sounds only--without setting any other CP-01 fea-
tures. When enabled, the Exit Delay keypad sounder (including the Exit Urgency sound during the final 10 seconds of the Exit Delay) is
Enable CP-01 Limits
When enabled, three time limits are enabled as per the SIA CP-01 standards: (1) Exit Delay Time: If an attempt is made to change the
Exit Delay time to less than 45 seconds the time will be entered as 60 seconds. The maximum programmable time is 255 seconds; (2)
Entry Delay: If an attempt is made to change the Entry Delay time to less than 30 seconds the time will be entered as 30 seconds. The
maximum programmable time is 255 seconds; and (3) Abort Delay: If an attempt is made to change the Abort Delay to less than 15 sec-
onds or more than 45 seconds the time will be entered as 30 seconds.
Note: In accordance with UL standards, the aggregate of the Entry Delay time and Abort Delay time "window" will not be programmed to
exceed one minute. Note: When "Enable CP-01 Limits" is enabled, the Exit Delay keypad sounder (including the Exit Urgency sound
during the final 10 seconds of the Exit Delay) is enabled only when keypads are used. Note: If "Enable CP-01 Limits" is enabled in EZ
Programming, any Zone in a Group will only activate an alarm and send a report ONCE. After the Zone has reported, it will remain in the
Group and may still initiate the Zone ANDing sequence.
Enable Keypad 1 Only Programming: In version 01 of the F-64 panel, programming is allowed from any keypad by default. Program
to restrict programming to Keypad #1 only, if needed.
Enable Local Alarm on First Zone "AND" Trip See Zone ANDing (Do not program in UL installations)
Enable TCP/IP Communications
Using the NetLink NL-MOD-UL TCP/IP communications module accessory, the F-64 panel can report alarms via contact closures or via
its bell output but cannot report alarm data such as point ID information. The F-64 panel can, when the NL-MOD-UL is visible on a net-
work, receive Windows Quickloader programming information or transmit panel log information over a network. Refer to the NL-MOD-
UL Installation Instructions WI1523 for more information.