Freedom F-64 Installation Instructions
L NAPCO Security Systems
WI1501A 9/06
Page 40
Out of Box Panel Operation
The following describes the new panel factory defaults:
The new SIA CP-01 compliant versions of the F-64 panels have a factory program that allows a locally functioning alarm panel
out of the box, programmed with all the non-reporting features required by the SIA CP-01 standard.
The new versions of the panels are manufactured with the following factory programmed features:
1. All zones (64 in the F-64) are programmed for Priority, Selective Bypass, Alarm Output, Keypad Sounder on Alarm
and Abort Delay.
2. Default User 1 Code = "123" and it is set up to arm Area 1 and be a user program code.
3. Keypad Time/Date Display enabled.
4. The reporting format is Ademco, Silent Knight Slow.
5. Touch Tone with Rotary Back-up is enabled.
6. Exit Delay = 60 seconds.
7. Entry Delay 1 and 2 are both 30 seconds.
8. AC Fail Report Delay is 60 minutes.
9. Alarm and Pulse Alarm time-outs are 5 minutes.
10. Chime is set to 2 seconds.
11. Change Pulse Alarm to Cadence Alarm is enabled.
12. Auto Reset after Burglary Output Timeout is enabled.
13. 1424-bit 0 "Automatic Interior Bypass/Easy Exit" is enabled.
14. 1422-bit 0 "Interior Normally Bypassed" is enabled.
15. 2063-bit 6 "Enable Low Security Fire Alarm Silence" is enabled.
16. 1417 "Abort Delay" is changed to 30 seconds.
17. Cancel Time ("Cancel Window Duration") is set to zero minutes.
The complete Easy Menu Driven Program Mode menu will appear upon initial entry into Dealer Program Mode. Subsequent
entry into Dealer Program Mode allows only a subset of the Easy Menu Driven Program Mode.
With this new SIA CP-01 compliant panel, the Easy Menu Driven Program Mode has been increased to allow several additional
features to be programmed in the Menu, rather than requiring that these features be programmed through the Direct Address
programming method. Note: Upon entering Dealer Program Mode, the above referenced factory program is immediately
cleared and the "Prior to CP-01 Changes" (see below) factory program is loaded. Therefore, if you enter Dealer Program Mode,
you will be required to first enter the Easy Menu Driven Program Mode and answer questions before making any needed
changes to the factory program via Direct Address Programming Mode.
Once the panel is removed from its box, you have three choices: (1) Do not enter Dealer Program Mode and complete the in-
stallation using the unmodified factory program; (2) Upload the Factory Default Program (above) to PCD-Windows, make de-
sired changes, and re-download this modified PCD-Windows program back to the panel; (3) Enter Dealer Program Mode in or-
der to allow the EZ Program Menu to appear, then answer "Yes" to the question "Enable CP-01 Features?".
A critical addition to the Easy Menu Driven Program Mode is the question “Enable CP-01 Features? Y/N”. If the answer to this
question is “No
” then the following changes to the program occur:
1. All zones (64 in the F-64) are programmed for Priority, Selective Bypass, Alarm Output, Auto Reset and Swinger Shut-
down. Only the zones selected by the first EPM question “How many Zones” are programmed for Area 1.
2. Default User 1 Code = "123" and it is set up to arm Area 1 and be a user program code.
3. Keypad Time/Date Display enabled.
4. All zones are programmed with report codes and as burg/fire alarm types depending on whether they were selected as
fire zones. Zones not selected as fire are burg type.
5. The reporting format is selectable in the Easy Menu Driven Program Mode.
6. Touch Tone with Rotary Back-up is enabled.
7. Exit Delay = 60 seconds.
8. Entry Delay 1 and 2 are both 30 seconds.
9. AC Fail Report Delay is 60 minutes.
10. Alarm and Pulse Alarm time-outs are 15 minutes.
11. Chime is set to 2 seconds.
12. Change Pulse Alarm to Cadence Alarm is enabled.
13. Auto Reset after Burglary Output Timeout is enabled.
If the answer to the question “Enable CP-01 Features? Y/N” is “Yes”, then the following changes to the above program occur: