Destination Search mode
98 NAVIGON 2100 max | 2120 max User’s Guide December 2008
NAVIGON, INC. Version 2.1
Destination Search mode
When in Destination Search mode, crosshairs are shown and the map is always ori-
ented with north up.
Destination search tools include:
Zoom Out The map section shown becomes larger, but fewer details
are shown.
Zoom In The map section becomes smaller, but shows more
Zoom Mode When this button is active, you can plot a map section with
your finger.
Plot the map section from upper left to bottom right and it
zooms to fit the size of the screen.
Plot the map section from bottom right to top left, and the
map zooms out.
Pan Mode When this button is active, you can move the map section
with your finger. Tap on the map and drag it in the desired
Entire Route Zooms the map so that the entire route is visible.
Current Position Show your current position on the map.