
Accessing the Route Planning Window
December 2008 NAVIGON 2100 max | 2120 max User’s Guide 83
Version 2.1 NAVIGON, INC.
Changing the order of route points
Route points can be deleted from a route. The order of the route points can be varied as
you wish.
On the R
Tap on the route point that you want to edit.
The context menu contains the following buttons:
Route Point Up Moves the selected route stage forwards.
(Example: route point 2 becomes route point 1).
Route Point Down Moves the selected route point backwards.
(Example: route point 2 becomes route point 3).
Delete Deletes the selected route point. A window
prompts you to confirm deletion.
Note: The starting point (flow number "0") cannot be moved or deleted. To change the
starting point, create a route point and move the new route point up to the top of the
route. The old starting point can now be moved or deleted.