User’s manual NAVIGON 3100 | 3110
Operating the navigation software - 9 -
No Signal: Data is being received from less than three satellites. The
position cannot be calculated.
GPS Ready: Data is being received from at least three satellites. The
position can be calculated.
Refer to chapter "
GPS status" on page 33 for detailed information
regarding the GPS status.
The Energy symbol can display the following states of the built—in
The device is being supplied by an external power source. The battery
is being charged.
The device is being supplied by its internal battery. The battery charge
is sufficient.
The device is being supplied by its internal battery. The battery charge
is low.
The Direction symbol shows you in which direction you are currently
moving. It can show the following points of the compass:
N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW.
TMC (Traffic Information)
If your device has an integrated TMC receiver, or if you have connected
an external TMC receiver, the navigation system will have the latest
traffic information available. If required, it can dynamically change your
route, e.g. avoid a traffic jam.
symbol can display the following TCM states:
No Symbol: There is no TMC receiver connected, or the connected or
installed TMC receiver is not working.
Tuning: The TMC receiver is operational but cannot find a transmitter
that is sending TCM signals.
TMC on Standby: Traffic messages can be receiverd.