User’s manual NAVIGON 3100 | 3110
Options - 25 -
No GPS reception
When the received GPS signal is not sufficient, the following message
"No GPS signal available at present. Would you like to use the last
known position?"
You have the following possibilities:
▶ Tap OK
. The route will be calculated using the last known position
as the starting point. As soon as the GPS reception is sufficient for
determining the position, the route will be re-calculated and you can
begin the navigation.
▶ Tap the Cancel
button. The MAIN WINDOW opens. The destination is
now saved to the
7 Options
Some windows have options which lead to further functions.
▶ Tap on the
Options button to open the options list.
▶ Tap on the options you would like to implement.
▶ If you would like to quit the options list without selecting an option,
tap on the
Options button again.
Delete All
: Deletes all destinations from the LAST DESTINATIONS list. The list is
then empty. A dialog box prompts you to confirm.
Save as Favourite
: Saves the given destination to the FAVOURITES list.
For detailed information, please refer to chapter "
Saving a destination"
on page
Show on Map
: Shows the given address on the map.
Settings: Opens the SETTINGS window. Here you can configure the navigation
For detailed information, please refer to chapter "
MobileNavigator" on page
Saved Routes
: Opens a dialog window with which you can load a stored route.
GPS status: Opens the GPS STATUS window. Here you can see details
regarding GPS reception. You can also save data regarding your
current location.
For detailed information, please refer to chapter "
GPS status" on