User’s manual NAVIGON 33xx | 43xx max
Navigation - 25 -
Under My Destinations the NAVIGON 33xx | 43xx max provides the
following lists of destinations and addresses for you to select from:
► FAVOURITES: All destinations that you have entered in the
NAVIGON 33xx | 43xx max and then saved.
► LAST DESTINATIONS: Destinations to which you have navigated on a
previous occasion.
► IMPORTED ADDRESSES: Here there may be 2 lists to choose from:
► FROM OUTLOOK: All destinations which you have imported from
Microsoft Outlook.
► FROM THE PHONE BOOK: Addresses from a mobile phone which
is connected via Bluetooth (only NAVIGON 4350 max)
6.2.1 Specifying the country in which the destination is situated
At top left in the ADDRESS, POI IN A CITY and POI NATIONWIDE windows
you will find the Country
button. It bears the flag of the country in which
you can currently select destinations for the navigation application.
If your destination is in a different country, then proceed as follows:
1. Tap the Country
2. Enter the name of the country in which your destination is situated.
The button shows the flag of the destination country.
Note: The selection list contains only those countries whose maps are
available to the navigation device.
6.2.2 Entering a destination address
1. Tap in the NAVIGATION window on New Destination > Enter an
If you want to enter an address in a country in which normally the
street comes first (e.g. Sweden, Norway,…), then the I
ADDRESS DATA menu will open.
1a Select whether you would like to enter the street first and then the
location (Street First
), or first the location and then the street (City
Note: The following description is based on City First
as the order for
entering the address.
If you don't want to choose each time the order for entering the address
information, you can select a default setting under Options
> Settings >
> Input Mode for Address Data. Please note however that the
Street First
order of entry is not possible for all countries. In this case
you must enter the location first.