User’s manual NAVIGON 33xx | 43xx max
Navigation - 47 -
The map opens in Preview mode.
1 When the MyRoutes function is activated, up to three numbered routes
are indicated on the map in different colours (orange, green, blue).
When the MyRoutes function is deactivated or if you have planned a
route with more than one route point, only one route is displayed.
2 The current position is indicated (orange arrow).
If you display a planned or loaded route and the specified starting point
is not your current location, then it is possible that your current position
will not be shown on the preview.
3 Symbols on the
(Route Profile) button indicate the
current settings in the route profile. If you tap on this button, the R
PROFILE settings window will open.
► The left symbol indicates which speed profile is set (in this example:
► The three symbols on the right indicate whether Motorways, Toll
Roads and Ferries are permitted for calculating the route.
4 For each route (orange, green, blue) there is a button with the same
number and a symbol in the same colour. Indicated on each button are
the estimated time of arrival, the total distance and the estimated
duration of the particular route.
If the MyRoutes function is activated, the route corresponding best to
the selected route profile will be marked with "MyRoute".
As soon as you tap on a button, navigation along the route in question
will start.
5 The destination is marked with a little flag.
If you display a planned or loaded route, the starting point and each
route point will be marked with a little flag.