User's manual NAVIGON 7100 | 7110
Operating the navigation software - 15 -
The device is being supplied by an external power source. The battery
is being charged.
The device is being supplied by its internal battery. The battery charge
is sufficient.
The device is being supplied by its internal battery. The battery charge
is low.
The Direction symbol shows you in which direction you are currently
heading. It can show the following points of the compass: N, NE, E, SE,
S, SW, W and NW.
TMC (Traffic Information)
The NAVIGON 7100 | 7110 has an integrated TMC-receiver which
provides the navigation system with up to date traffic messaging. If
necessary, it can alter the route dynamically in order to avoid a traffic
jam for example.
Note: This function is only available if TMC traffic messages are being
transmitted in the country in which you are travelling. This is not the
case in all countries.
The TMC symbol can display the following TMC-reception status:
No Symbol
: There is no TMC receiver connected, or the connected or
built-in TMC receiver is not operational.
Tuning: The TMC-receiver is operational, but cannot find a station that
is transmitting TMC signals.
TMC on Standby: Traffic messages can be received.
For details on TMC functionality, please refer to chapter "TMC (Traffic
Information)" on page 45.
The NAVIGON 7100 | 7110 has an integrated Bluetooth hands-free
module. This enables you to use the device as a hands-free kit for a
mobile phone with Bluetooth capability.
The Bluetooth
symbol can display the following states for the hands-
free module:
No Bluetooth: Bluetooth is deactivated.