User's manual NAVIGON 7100 | 7110
Before you begin - 7 -
trademarks of their respective owners. Every right that is not explicitly
accorded is reserved.
The absence of the explicit labelling of registered trademarks used in
this manual does not imply that the brand is not subject to the rights of a
third party.
► Windows and ActiveSync are trademarks of the Microsoft
► NAVIGON is a registered trademark of NAVIGON AG.
1.3 Questions concering the product
You have a question concerning your product? Then visit our webseite
and click on "Support". There you will find an area
with frequently asked questions (FAQ Center) along with details of how
to contact us by phone or e-mail.
2 Before you begin
2.1 Scope of Delivery
Please check that the contents of the delivery are complete. If the
contents are incomplete, please notify us within 14 days of
purchasing. The purchased product includes the following:
► NAVIGON 7100 | 7110 navigation device
► Car cradle
► Car charger cable ( 12V-adapter for the vehicle's cigarette lighter)
► Mains adapter
► USB-cable
► SD-card containing software and navigation maps
► Manual
► CD with manuals (PDF, including languages not printed)
► Pouch