October 2008 NAVIGON 7200T User’s Guide 143
Accessing the Settings window
The settings can be reached from several windows.
Options > Settings.
The Settings Window
The SETTINGS WINDOW is where you can customize your NAVIGON 7200T to suit your
personal needs and preferences.
The S
ETTINGS WINDOW has several buttons.
• Tap a button to open the corresponding settings window.
Navigation Settings
These settings include:
Show Speed Limits Select whether to show highway speed limits.
Options are all speed limits, no special speed lim-
its, or no speed limits.
Within Urban Areas: Warn When Exceeding by
(Not supported in the United States) Indicate
whether a warning displays when exceeding the
speed limit in densely populated areas. Options
are to never warn, or to display a warning when 5,
10, 15 or 20 mph over the stated speed limit.
Outside Urban Areas: Warn When Exceeding by
Indicate whether a warning displays when exceed-
ing the speed limit in less densely populated or
rural areas. Options are to never warn, or to dis-
play a warning when 5, 10, 15 or 20 mph over the
posted speed limit.