
The Settings Window
144 NAVIGON 7200T User’s Guide October 2008
Show Altitude and Speed Show or hide the altitude and current speed on a
displayed map.
Indication of Travel Time Show either the estimated time of arrival or the
remaining time to the destination (or an interim
destination, if applicable).
Display Compass Show or hide a small compass on screen during
Announce Street Names Indicate whether or not to hear the street names
Info When Crossing Borders
Show or hide local speed restrictions when cross-
ing a country border.
Logbook Indicate whether to turn on logbook to record vehi-
cle mileage.
Route Profile Settings
These settings include:
Speed Profile Select the type of transport: standard car, bicycle
(avoids highways and adheres to one-way restric-
tions), or pedestrian (avoids highways and disre-
gards one-way street restrictions). This is used for
calculating routes and arrival times.
Type of Route Select the type of route to be calculated: Fast
(shortest travel time), Short (shortest travel dis-
tance, and Optimum (uses both fast and short seg-
ments in the route calculation).
Consider Traffic Information Select whether TMC (traffic information) is used
when calculating a route. (This requires TMC
reception and may not be available in all areas.)
Highways Select whether highways are considered in a cal-
culated route.
Toll Roads Select whether toll roads are considered in a cal-
culated route.
Ferries Select whether ferries are considered in a calcu-
lated route.
Residents Only Streets Select whether residents only streets (where
throught traffic is prohibited) are considered in a
calculated route.
Calculate the Next Stage Used for routes with multiple destinations. After
reaching a route point, select whether the next
stage is calculated automatically.
Map Display Settings
These settings include:
Reality View Indicate whether Reality View displays a visual