User’s manual NAVIGON 7310
Navigation - 29 -
POI nearby
POIs nearby are POIs located within a certain radius of your current
location. This means you can always find the nearest petrol station for
example, no matter where you are.
Note: GPS reception must be good enough for determining your
position. Check the
(GPS Ready) symbol to see whether GPS
reception is good enough.
For more details refer to the chapter "
2Initialising the GPS receiver" on
Note: The Direct Access section offers 3 categories of POI from the
current vicinity which can be searched for quickly and without additional
For more details refer to the chapter "
2Direct access to POI" on page 232.
1. Tap in the NAVIGATION window on New Destination > Search for
POI > Nearby.
NEARBY window opens.
2. Select a category from which you would like to find a POI.
Categories in which no destinations are available nearby cannot be
If sub-categories exist for the category you have selected, the Sub
Category list opens.
3. Select the sub-category from which you would like to select a POI.
The Destination
list opens. It contains the nearest POIs in the
specified category, sorted by distance.
4. If the list is very long:
► Tap on (Close List).
The keyboard appears.
► Enter a number of letters from the destination.
► Tap on (Open List).
The list now contains only those destinations which begin with or
contain the letters entered.
5. Tap on the name of the destination.
The D
Indicated on the Activate MyRoutes
button is whether several route
suggestions are to be calculated (Yes
) or not (No).
► Tap on Activate MyRoutes in order to change the setting.
6. Tap on Start Navigation