User’s manual NAVIGON 7310
Handsfree Module - 70 -
9.6 Connection with Mobile Phone
Note: The Bluetooth functions of both the NAVIGON 7310 and the
mobile phone must be configured accordingly in order for a Bluetooth
connection to be established between the two devices.
For details of how to configure the NAVIGON 7310 refer to chapter
3Bluetooth Function" on page 469.
For details of how to configure the mobile phone refer to the related
The NAVIGON 7310 can establish a connection to only one Bluetooth-
capable mobile phone.
As a rule the NAVIGON 7310 will automatically establish a connection
to a mobile phone to which it was once connected already. However,
you can also use this function to establish a connection to a different
mobile phone while a connection between the NAVIGON 7310 and a
mobile phone already exists.
9.6.1 Establishing a connection from the navigation device
1. Make sure that the Bluetooth function is activated on both, the
mobile phone and the NAVIGON 7310.
2. in the H
ANDSFREE MODULE window tap on Settings > Connection
with Mobile Phone
> New Connection.
The navigation device looks for Bluetooth devices and lists all the
devices it recognises.
3. Tap on the name of your mobile phone.
The navigation device prompts you to enter a password.
4. Enter a four-digit password (any digits) in the Key
box and tap on
Your mobile phone prompts you to enter a password.
5. Enter the same password as on the NAVIGON 7310.
On the NAVIGON 7310, the S
ETTINGS BT window opens. A
connection is established between the two devices.
6. Tap on
(Back) in order to return to the HANDSFREE
MODULE window.
9.6.2 Establishing a connection from the mobile phone
Note: Please consult the mobile phone's manual if you are uncertain
about how to carry out the following steps on the mobile phone.
1. Make sure that the Bluetooth function is activated on both, the
mobile phone and the NAVIGON 7310.