User’s manual NAVIGON 92 Plus | 92 Premium
Operating the navigation system - 17 -
Note: In the N
AVIGATION windw tap on (More) > Show
Introduction if you want to see the introduction again later.
A window with the following message opens:
"Please note that the road traffic regulations are prior to the
instructions of the navigation system. Please do not operate the
device while driving."
16. After you have read and fully understood the message, tap on OK.
If you do not accept the content of the message, tap on Cancel in
order to exit the navigation application.
A window with several buttons opens.
17. Tap on any point of the screen.
The N
AVIGATION window opens.
5 Operating the navigation system
Note: You received a brief introduction to the navigation system's
operation when you first started it. In the NAVIGATION window tap on
(More) > Show Introduction if you want to see the introduction
Essentially, the navigation software comprises several applications
whose number varies according to the range of functions offered by
your navigation device. From these applications you have access to all
the functions and settings possible with the navigation system.
At the bottom edge of the screen is a bar with several buttons.
Each button represents an application. A coloured bar over a button
indicates that the related application is currently open (here:
(Handsfree Module): Opens the H
"Handsfree Module" on page 84. (only NAVIGON 92 Premium)
(Navigation): Opens the N
AVIGATION window; there you have
access to all the methods for entering and selecting a destination
(Show Map): Opens the map in Standard mode when no
navigation is in progress (see "Map in Standard mode" on page 51), or
opens it in Navigation mode when navigation is in progress (see "Map
in Navigation mode" on page 55).