User’s manual NAVIGON 92 Plus | 92 Premium
Handsfree Module - 99 -
10.7.1 Preset
The hands-free module of the navigation device contains four Speed
Call buttons that can be individually configured. The assignment of the
Speed Call buttons is separately defined for each paired phone and
saved with the phone's data. The Speed Call buttons for the active
phone are available in each case.
1. In the H
ANDSFREE MODULE window activate the mobile phone
whose Speed Call settings you want to edit (see "Activating a
mobile phone" on page 90).
2. In the H
ANDSFREE MODULE window tap on (More) > Modify
The MODIFY PRESET window opens.
Entering a new Speed Call number or editing an existing Speed Call
3. Tap on the (Edit) button.
The NAME window opens.
4. Enter the name for the selected Speed Call button or edit the
existing name.
5. Tap on Next.
The TELEPHONE NUMBER window opens.
6. Enter the phone number or change it.
7. Tap on Save.
The MODIFY PRESET window opens again. The new configuration is
indicated in the corresponding box.
Adopting a number from the phone book of the mobile phone
3. Tap on the (From the phone book) button.
4. Select the contact which you want to adopt for the Speed Call.
The S
ELECT PHONE NUMBER window opens. It shows all the phone
numbers saved for the selected contact.
5. Tap on the phone number you want to use for the Speed Call.
The M
ODIFY PRESET window opens again. The new configuration is
indicated in the corresponding box.
Deleting a Speed Call number
3. Tap on the (Delete) button.
4. Confirm that you want to delete the Speed Call number.
The M
ODIFY PRESET window opens again. There are no longer any
phone numbers or names in the corresponding boxs.