NETGEAR ProSafe SSL VPN Concentrator 25 SSL312 Reference Manual
Monitoring and Logging 8-5
v2.0, May 2007
• User name. The User name field shows the authenticated name of the user or administrator
that generated the log event.
• Log message. The message field describes the event that occurred. Examples of log messages
include Administrator login successful and SSL VPN Concentrator
The event log table may be sorted and filtered.
To sort the event log by category:
1. Click the category header to be sorted, such as Time or Source.
2. Enter the search term in the Search field.
3. Select an event category from the pull-down menu and click Find.
To filter messages:
1. Enter the term to be filtered in the Search field.
2. Select the event category from the pull-down menu and click Exclude.
To reset the search results and display all log messages, click Reset.
By default, 50 messages are displayed per page. If more than 50 events have been logged, then a
Page number menu will be displayed at the top of the event log table. Select the desired page
number from the Page menu to see archived log messages.
On the Log Settings page, you can configure the type of messages, such as warning and alert
messages, that will be displayed in the event log. You can also configure log rotate features on the
Log Settings page which will determine when to clear the log files.
Log Settings
The SSL VPN Concentrator supports web-based logging, syslog logging and e-mail alert
messages. In addition, the SSL VPN Concentrator may be configured to e-mail the event log file to
the SSL VPN Concentrator administrator before the log file is cleared.
Syslog is an industry-standard logging protocol that records system and networking activity. The
SSL VPN Concentrator syslog messages are sent in WELF (WebTrends Enhanced Log Format),
Note: The Find and Exclude search tools are both case sensitive