Firewall Tutorial
• Less Than: For the filter to match, the packet’s port number must be less than the port
number specified in the filter.
• Less Than or Equal: For the filter to match, the packet’s port number must be less
than or equal to the port number specified in the filter.
• Equal: For the filter to match, the packet’s port number must equal the port number
specified in the filter.
• Greater Than: For the filter to match, the packet’s port number must be greater than
the port number specified in the filter.
• Greater Than or Equal: For the filter to match, the packet’s port number must be
greater than or equal to the port number specified in the filter.
Other filter attributes
There are three other attributes to each filter:
• The filter’s order (i.e., priority) in the filter set
• Whether the filter is currently active
• Whether the filter is set to forward packets or to block (discard) packets
Putting the parts together
When you display a filter set, its filters are displayed as rows in a table:
The table’s columns correspond to each filter’s attributes:
• #: The filter’s priority in the set. Filter number 1, with the highest priority, is first in the