framing-mode HDLC – 0x80
AUTO – 0x90
ATM – 0x00
band-mod Bit 0, 1: Tx Cfg band
1- All tones on
2- All tones below 640 Khz are turned off
3- All tones below 1.1 Mhz are turned off
Bit 2,3: Not used
Bit 4,5: Rx Cfg band
1- All tones on
2- All tones below 640 Khz are turned off
3- All tones below 1.1 Mhz are turned off
Bit 6, 7:Optional band
0- No Optional band
1- ANNEX_A_6_32 ( ie. 25KHz to 138 KHz)
2- ANNEX_B_32_64 (ie. 138 KHz to 276 KHz)
3- ANNEX_B_6_64 (ie. 25KHz to 276 KHz)
port-option Bit [0]: I 43 G.hs carrier set.
Bit [1]: V 43 G.hs carrier set.
Bit [2]. A 43 G.hs carrier set.
Bit [3]: B 43 G.hs carrier set.
Bit[4:7]: shall be set to 0.
power-mode 0: 8.5dBm power output
1: 11.5 dBm power output
tx-filter 0: using internal filter in Tx path
1: using K1 external filter in Tx path
(for Korea VLR Application)
2: using U1 external filter in Tx path
(for US / Korea VLR Application)
3: using H1 external filter in Tx path
(for 100/100 Application)
VDSL Parameters Accepted Values
Parameter Accepted Values