WAN and System Configuration 8-49
See the release notes that came with your router or feature set upgrade, or visit the Netopia Web site at
www.netopia.com for information on new feature sets, how to obtain them, and how to install them on your
Netopia R910.
You can configure a UNIX-compatible syslog client to report a number of subsets of the events entered in the
router’s WAN Event History. See “WAN Event History” on page 12-113.The Syslog client (for the PC only) is
supplied as a .ZIP file on the Netopia CustomerCare CD.
Select Logging from the System Configuration menu.
The Logging Configuration screen appears.
By default, all events are logged in the event history.
■ By toggling each event descriptor either Yes or No, you can determine which ones are logged and which are
■ You can enable or disable the syslog client dynamically. When enabled, it will report any appropriate and
previously unreported events.
■ You can specify the syslog server’s address either in dotted decimal format or as a DNS name up to 63
■ You can specify the UNIX syslog Facility to use by selecting the Facility pop-up.
Logging Configuration
WAN Event Log Options
Log Boot and Errors: Yes
Log Line Specific: Yes
Log Connections: Yes
Log IP: Yes
Syslog Parameters
Syslog Enabled: No
Hostname or IP Address:
Facility... Local 0
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