9-56 User’s Reference Guide
IP setup
The IP Setup options screen is where you configure the Ethernet side of the Netopia R910. The information you
enter here controls how the router routes IP traffic.
Consult your network administrator or Internet service provider to obtain the IP setup information (such as the
Ethernet IP address, Ethernet subnet mask, default IP gateway and Primary Domain Name Server IP address)
you will need before changing any of the settings in this screen. Changes made in this screen will take effect
only after the Netopia R910 is reset.
To go to the IP Setup options screen, from the Main Menu, select System Configuration then Network
Protocols Setup, and then IP Setup.
The IP Setup screen appears.
Follow these steps to configure IP Setup for your Netopia R910:
■ Select Ethernet IP Address and enter the IP address for the Netopia R910’s Ethernet port.
■ Select Ethernet Subnet Mask and enter the subnet mask for the Ethernet IP address that you entered in
the last step.
■ If you desire multiple subnets select Define Additional Subnets. If you select this item you will be taken to
the IP Subnets screen. This screen allows you to define IP addresses and masks for additional subnets.
See “IP subnets” on page 9-60 for details.
IP Setup
IP Setup
Ethernet IP Address:
Ethernet Subnet Mask:
Define Additional Subnets...
Default IP Gateway:
Primary Domain Name Server:
Secondary Domain Name Server:
Domain Name:
Receive RIP: Both
Transmit RIP: v2 (multicast)
Static Routes...
Address Serving Setup...
Exported Services...
Filter Sets...
Enter an IP address in decimal and dot form (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx).
Set up the basic IP attributes of your Netopia in this screen.