
Automating the turn-on of your SI-1260 is one of the easiest steps when installing it
in a distributed system. However, do not plug the main power cord into the switched
AC outlet of your preamplifier or receiver. The high power design of the SI-1260
requires large amounts of current from its AC power source. Additionally, it is always
recommended to activate the system preamplifier/receiver before turning on your
SI-1260 in order to prevent system “turn-on thumps”. In order to address these
important needs, the SI-1260 has three special turn-on modes that let you turn the
amplifier on only when it is needed. These three options are accessed by the Turn-
On Mode selector switch (see Figure 10).
Important! The Front Panel Power Switch must be in the ON (switch in) position for
any of the three turn-on options to function (refer to page 23 for more information
concerning the Front Panel Power Switch).
Turn-On Modes
Constant: The auto turn-on circuitry is "OFF".
The front panel master power switch operates
the amplifier. When the switch is in, the amp
is "ON", when it is out, the amp is "OFF".
Audio Sense: The amplifier is "OFF" when
there is no audio signal present at any of the
16 inputs, but the sensing circuitry is active.
The turn-on sensing circuitry looks for a tiny
amount of audio signal present at any of the
audio inputs. If it detects a signal, the adjacent
pair of amplifier channels (i.e. channel 1/2,
3/4, 5/6, etc.) assigned to receive the input signals will switch "ON". Once the audio
signal stops, the sensing circuit waits approximately 2-minutes, then switches all
amplifier channels "OFF".
3-30V AC/DC Trigger Input: The amplifier is "OFF" when a 3 to 30-Volt AC or DC
signal is not applied to the voltage trigger input. Once the sensing circuitry detects
such a voltage, all adjacent pairs of amplifier channels that are receiving an audio
signal switch "ON". Once the voltage is removed, the Voltage Trigger circuit instant-
ly switches the amplifier "OFF". Voltage triggers may be supplied by Niles automat-
ed switchers, some video projectors, some surround sound processors, or a 12 Volt
DC wall adapter (Niles FG00665) plugged into the switched outlet of your stereo
If you are using a wall adapter or external power supply to provide the trigger, it
doesn't have to be very large (a minimum current capability of 2.5-milliamps for a 3
Volt trigger increasing up to a minimum of 38 milliamps for a 30-Volt trigger).
Figure 10 - Turn-On Mode.