As shown in Figure 2, a distrib-
uted audio/video system is
defined by the number of lis-
tening zones it has. Within a lis-
tening zone you can listen to
only one (1) source (e.g. CD,
Radio, Tape, etc.) at any one
time. A listening zone can con-
sist of a single room or a group
of rooms. To achieve different
volumes and greater conve-
nience in different rooms with-
in a zone, individual volume
controls can be used. Niles
makes volume controls in vari-
ous styles and colors. When
designing your system, take
into account who will use the
system and when they will use
it. Consult your local Niles
dealer for more information.
A multi-zone system as shown
in Figure 3, offers the house-
hold more flexibility. For
instance, a family might have
their family room wired for sur-
round sound and their living
room wired for background
music. In a two zone system,
the children can watch TV in
surround sound while Mom
and Dad are reading the paper
and enjoying background
music in the living room.