The antenna cannot be shortened, but can be
removed.When youneed toremove theantenna,
turn the antenna rod counterclockwise.
Toinstall theantenna rod,turn theantenna clock-
wise. Tighten the antenna rod to specification
using a suitable tool such as an open-end
wrench. Theantenna rod tighteningspecification
is 2.0– 2.6N·m (18– 23in-lb). Donot usepliers
to tightenthe antennaas theycan leavemarks on
the antenna surface. The antenna rod cannot be
hand tightened to the proper specification.
Always properly tighten the antenna rod
during installation orthe antenna rod may
break during vehicle operation.
When installing a CB, ham radio or car phone in
your NISSAN, be sure to observe the following
precautions; otherwise, the new equipment may
adversely affect the engine control system and
other electronic parts.
● Acellular telephone shouldnot be used
while driving so full attention may be
given to vehicle operation. Some juris-
dictionsprohibit theuseof cellulartele-
phones while driving.
● If you must make a call while your ve-
hicle is in motion, the hands free cellu-
lar phone operational mode (if so
equipped) is highly recommended. Ex-
ercise extreme caution at all times so
full attention may be given to vehicle
● Ifyou areunable todevote fullattention
to vehicle operation while talking on
the phone, pull off the road to a safe
location and stop your vehicle.
● Keep the antenna as far away as pos-
sible from the electronic control
● Keep the antenna wire more than 8 in
(20 cm) away from the electronic con-
trol system harnesses. Do not route the
antenna wire next to any harness.
● Adjust the antenna standing-wave ratio
as recommended by the manufacturer.
● Connect the ground wire from the CB
radio chassis to the body.
● For details, consult a NISSAN dealer.
● Do not ground electrical accessories
directly to the battery terminal. Doing
so will bypass the variable voltage con-
trol system and the vehicle battery may
not charge completely. Refer to “Vari-
able voltage control system” in the
“Maintenance and do-it-yourself” sec-
tion later in this manual.
● Use electrical accessories with the en-
gine running to avoid discharging the
vehicle battery.
Heater, air conditioner, audio and phone systems 4-37