Roof-mounted curtain side-impact and
rollover supplemental air bag system: This
system can help cushion the impact force to the
head of occupants in front and rear outboard
seatingpositionsin certainsideimpact orrollover
collisions. In a side impact, the curtain and roll-
over air bags are designed to inflate on the side
where the vehicle is impacted. In a rollover, both
curtain and rollover air bags are designed to
inflate and remain inflated for a short time.
These supplemental restraint systems are de-
signed tosupplement thecrash protection pro-
vided by theseat belts and arenot a substitute
for them. Seat belts should always be correctly
worn and the occupant seated a suitable dis-
tance away from the steering wheel, instrument
panel and door finishers. See “Seat belts”earlier
inthis sectionfor instructionsand precautionson
seat belt usage.
The supplemental air bags operate only
when the ignition switch is in the ON or
START position.
After placing the ignition switch to the ON
position, the supplemental air bag warning
light illuminates. The supplemental air bag
warning light will turn off after about 7
seconds if the system is operational.
● The front air bags ordinarily will not
inflate inthe eventof aside impact,rear
impact, rollover, or lower severity fron-
tal collision. Always wear your seat
belts to help reduce the risk or severity
of injury in various kinds of accidents.
● The front passenger air bag will not
inflate if the passenger air bag status
light is lit or if the front passenger seat
isunoccupied. See“Frontpassenger air
bag and status light” later in this
● Theseat belts and the frontair bags are
most effective when you aresitting well
back and upright in the seat. The front
air bags inflate with great force. Even
with theNISSAN AdvancedAir BagSys-
tem, if you are unrestrained, leaning
forward, sitting sideways or out ofposi-
tionin anyway, youare atgreaterrisk of
injury or death in a crash. You may also
receive seriousor fatalinjuries fromthe
front air bag if you are up against it
when itinflates. Alwayssit backagainst
the seatback and as far away as practi-
cal from the steering wheel or instru-
ment panel. Always use the seat belts.
Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-45