
Chapter 8: Troubleshooting and FAQ
This chapter presents steps to perform on your mobile device if you want
to check that it is working correctly and to locate possible errors and
frequently asked questions (FAQ).
It is highly recommended that you perform these tests before you contact
your IT administrators for additional support.
1. Check the status of the client
- The status screen should show ’Connected’
2. Pause and Resume the client
- This test reconnects the mobile device to the server immediately. If
there is some problem, the Ventus Mobile status screen will display an
3. Reboot your mobile device
- This may help if your device has internal errors.
4. Send an email from the device to your own mailbox and check that it
arrives to your device.
- This test easily shows if the mail is sent at all or if it arrives in the email
server mailbox but not to the device. If it does not arrive in your device in
5 minutes, check if it has arrived to your desktop mailbox. If your
corporate email system is congested, receiving mails may take some
5. If Ventus Mobile has been paused or shut down for a long time, let the
client run for some time to process all queued messages
- Ventus Mobile needs to process all queued messages before it can
receive any new ones. If the application is closed or paused for a long
time there may be a big queue of messages on the server. Messages
can be sent out immediately, but new ones can be received only after the
whole queue has been processed.