This guide is intended for enterprise users accessing corporate
applications and data using TELKOM Ventus Mobile and a mobile
device. It assumes that you have a mobile device with wireless access
and that you are familiar with using this device.
Related Documentation
The TELKOM document set includes the following documentation:
4. Ventus Freedom5.0 User Guide for Pocket PC - provides
instructions on how to use Ventus Mobile with Windows Mobile
Pocket PC devices, such as Qtek and HP iPAQ.
5. Ventus Freedom5.0 User Guide for Symbian S60 - provides
instructions on how to use Ventus Mobile with Nokia Symbian
Series 60 devices.
6. Ventus Freedom5.0 User Guide for Symbian S80 - provides
instructions on how to use Ventus Mobile with Nokia Symbian
Series 80 devices.
7. Ventus Freedom5.0 User Guide for Windows Mobile
Smartphone - provides instructions on how to use Ventus
Mobile with Microsoft Windows Mobile Smartphone devices.
For further information, please visit www.ventusmobile.com.
Documentation Feedback
The TELKOM Technical Publications department welcomes your
feedback. Please help us improve future releases of this document by
sending your comments and suggestions to info@ventusmobile.com.
6 PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk.