C Commands Summary
110 MiLLennium Command Descriptions Manual
The characteristic signal delays introduced by the antenna, coaxial cable and GPSCard RF section will vary from
one system configuration to another. These delays are measurable using external test equipment. For applications
which involve very precise time transfer, or where ranges are used from multiple receivers, it may be necessary to
add an offset to the L1 pseudorange to compensate for these delays. This is equivalent to a system calibration in
that it corrects for inter-receiver range bias
It does not affect the output position, and it is unrelated to data latencies.
NOTE: This feature is to be used by advanced users only. Its intended application is for use in multi-card
systems, in which case the clocks on the different GPSCards must be synchronized. The command is not
necessary for most applications.
setl1offset 1.348693
SETL1OFFSET distance
Command Range Values Description
distance -10 to +10 Pseudorange offset (m)