7 Rinex-Standard Commands & Logs
48 MiLLennium Command Descriptions Manual
XNHD Navigation Header
This log consists of a RINEX-format header for broadcast navigation message files. It can be generated at any
point, using a command such as
COM1> log com2 xnhd
or it will be generated automatically when logging is complete, using a command such as
COM1> unlogall
Log example:
$XNHD, NovAtel GPSCard NATIVE 96-04-10 16:13 PGM / RUN BY / DATE*05
$XNHD,Field trial of new receiver COMMENT*29
$XNHD,.10245D-07 .14901D-07 -.5960D-07 -.1192D-06 ION ALPHA*05
$XNHD,.88064D+05 .32768D+05 -.1966D+06 -.1966D+06 ION BETA*46
$XNHD, .9313225746155D-09 -.799360577730D-14 503808 848 DELTA-UTC: A0,A1,T,W*3C
XOBS Observation Data Record
This log contains observation records, which include the following information:
• Times of observations
• Carrier-phase measurements
• Pseudorange (code) measurements
• Doppler measurements
A set of observation records is generated at the end of every time interval specified.
Command example:
COM1> log com2 xobs ontime 5
Log example:
$XOBS, 96 04 10 16 12 45.0000000 0 10G22G29G 3G28G16G27G 2G18G31G19*2B
$XOBS, 25589487.514 1 134473357.195 11 3689.020 1*20
$XOBS, 24031521.036 7 126285967.262 7 3673.582 7*3E
$XOBS, 22439789.377 9 117921029.600 9 270.081 9*2A
$XOBS, 22766999.777 9 119640447.360 9 924.831 9*28
$XOBS, 23387648.507 6 122901958.756 6 -640.482 6*2F
$XOBS, 21889019.606 8 115027300.270 8 -2682.420 8*3D
$XOBS, 24678340.269 7 129684455.444 7 -3295.920 7*3D
$XOBS, 21218703.216 9 111503905.438 9 2528.269 9*30
$XOBS, 21855014.913 9 114847991.342 9 -1951.670 9*33
$XOBS, 20157467.672 9 105927196.398 9 -688.169 9*2B
XOHD Observation Header
This log consists of a RINEX-format header for observation message files. It can be generated at any point, using
a command such as
COM1> log com2 xohd
or it will be generated automatically when logging is complete, using a command such as
COM1> unlogall