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Set Port Speed
Command Name
port set speed
Description Sets the port speed of a given port.
Syntax port set speed <port-no><speed>
Port number. (1 ~ 12)
Speed of the port. Speed must either 10, 100, 1000 megabits per sec.
N-TRON/Admin#[1]> port set speed 5 10
N-TRON/Admin#[2]> port set speed 9 100
NOTES If the auto negotiation mode is enabled, port speed cannot be set. First
disable the auto negotiation mode, and then set the port speed.
Get the port duplex mode
Command Name
port get duplexmode
Description Gets the port Duplex mode (FULL_DUPLEX / HALF_DUPLEX ) for a
given port number .
Syntax port get duplexmode <port-no>
Port number. (1 ~ 14)
N-TRON/Admin#[1]> port get duplexmode 4
Duplex mode of [4] port is: [half]
N-TRON/Admin#[2]> port get duplexmode 23
Duplex mode of [23] port is: [full]
NOTES Check whether port-no is in the valid range. (1 ~ 14)
Set the port duplex mode
Command Name
port set duplexmode
Description Sets the port duplex mode (HALF_DUPLEX / FULL_DUPLEX) for a
given port number.
Syntax port set duplexmode <port-no> <full | half>
Port number. (1~12)
full | half
Duplex mode of the port. Duplex mode must be either
N-TRON/Admin#[1]> port set duplexmode 4 full
N-TRON/Admin#[2]> port set duplexmode 4 half
NOTES Check whether port-no is in the valid range. (1 ~ 12)
Set the Lockstate of a given port
Command Name
port set lockstate
Description Sets the lock state of a given port to either enable or disable. If the port lock
is enabled, the switch can process the data packets only from locked MAC
addresses. Other data packets will not be processed.
Syntax port set lockstate <port-no> <enable | disable>
port number (1 ~ 14)
enable | disable
Lock enable or disable
N-TRON/Admin#[1]> port set lockstate 5 disable
N-TRON/Admin#[2]> port set lockstate 8 enable
NOTES Once the port is locked, all the MACs that are learned on that port are
treated as static MACs. This means the switch can process the packets
from those MACs only. It will discard all packets from other MACs.
Because the MAC is set for that port, it will only be addressable via that