6/28/2007 page 59 of 145
N-Ring - Configuration
The Configuration tab under the N-Ring category will display the N-Ring basic configuration settings. By
default N-Ring is in AutoMember mode and the N-Ring agingtime is 20 seconds.
Following the Modify button on the previous page, the administrator will see a list of configurable fields for
the N-Ring configuration, as below.
The N-Ring Agingtime has a default of 20 seconds and is separate from the Bridging Aging Time. N-Ring
Aging time is used for the whole switch if the switch is an N-Ring Manager or becomes an active N-Ring
Member, and in either case N-Ring status includes for example:
“Switch is currently using N-Ring Aging Time = 20 Seconds”
Once these fields are filled in to meet the needs of the administrator’s network the changes may be saved by
clicking the Update button at the bottom of the page.
1. N-Ring Manager cannot have RSTP or Trunking enabled.
2. RSTP & N-Ring are different modes and cannot share links or segments along those lines.
See the examples in the RSTP configuration section.
3. Do not use Trunking on a switch that is directly in an active N-Ring.
4. Any one 7014 can only participate in one N-Ring.