(Revised 2010-11-15) Page 137 of 156
CLI Commands, Continued…
Set or Show the System IP Configuration
Set system IP configuration mode, IP address, subnet mask, and gateway
If no parameters are specified, this command will show the system IP addresses. Static
IP, subnet mask, or gateway can be set while in either DHCP or static configuration
mode as they will be used with IP fallback when in DHCP mode. If the Static IP is set to
the default system IP address, IP fallback will not occur. All system addresses must be
formatted as: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx.
sysip [-c config_mode] [-i static_ip] [-s static_subnet_mask] [-g static_gateway]
-c config_mode
s(tatic) or d(hcp).
-i static_ip
Static IP address (for static config mode and IP fallback ).
-s static_subnet_mask
Static sub net mask (for static config mode and IP fallback ).
-g static_gateway
Static gateway address ( for static config mode and IP fallback ).
N-TRON/Admin> sysip
IP Configuration Mode : Static
Static IP Address :
Static subnet Mask :
Static gateway :
N-TRON/Admin> sysip -c dhcp
IP Configuration Mode : DHCP (has been changed)
Fallback IP Address :
Fallback Subnet Mask :
Fallback Gateway :
Press <ENTER> to Save Changes and Restart the System Now
N-TRON/Admin> sysip -i -s -g
IP Configuration Mode : Static
Static IP Address : (has been changed)
Static Subnet Mask : (has been changed)
Static Gateway : (has been changed)
Press <ENTER> to Save Changes and Restart the System Now
If mode is set to DHCP and IP fallback occurs, DHCP requests will stop.
If mode is set to DHCP and IP Configuration is retrieved from a DHCP server, IP
fallback will not occur, even if lease is lost.