Page 6
Place the jumpers you just disconnected in the 4-wire position
Suspend the master unit from the rough-in by looping the support
wire assembly (thick green wire) over the hook at the top of the
rough-in. Be careful not to damage the wall surface.
Plug in the modular chime plug to the 4 pin connector labeled as
selector switches will control two remote stations. Connect each
Green wire (except patio/outdoor remote Green) to a single green
terminal on the master. Each numbered Green terminal corresponds
to a remote station selector switch. Note: No more than 2 Green
wires can be connected to any Green terminal and not to exceed 15
speakers for the 4-wire or 13 speakers for the 3-wire system. This
limitation does include remote controls and volume controls but not
door stations. The station location can be marked on the inside of
the door access panel on the left side of the NM100 master.
Connect the green wire(s) from the outdoor remote station(s) to the
Patio green terminal. Connect the outdoor remote Black wire(s) to
the patio Black terminal. Note: Only two outdoor remote stations
can be connected to the patio terminals. Connect the Red wire with
the other Red wires to the Red terminal. Connect the White wire
shown below for wire placement.
Connect the red and black wires of the door station cables (NW4S)
to the red and black door station terminals on the NM100 master
as shown in the next gure. When using the NW4S shielded
prevent shorting to the circuit board. Connect this wire to terminal
labeled shield. Connect all orange wires from the door stations to
the common terminal on the NA3003C or NA3008C chime module.
Connect each yellow wire to a note sleection terminal. (Do not
connect more than one yellow wire per note terminal).
replacing a 4-wire system you must change the jumper setup on the
NM100 master. The jumper change must be completed before any
cables are connected. To change the jumpers just pull them off the