c. Get a single reading of:
weight, A/D or temperature:
Get weight (after Filter2, not rounded to resolution).
Get weight (after Filter2, rounded to resolution).
Get A/D reading after Filter1.
Get A/D reading after Filter2.
d. Analog output: Read & write voltage:
Gets the analog output voltage (in Volts).
Sets the analog output voltage to x Volts.
The analog output voltage is measured at pin 12 of CONN6
with respect to pin 13 which is ground.
e. Digital Outputs: Write outputs:
Turn on Output1 if Manual
Turn off Output1 if Manual
Turn on Output2 if Manual
Turn off Output2 if Manual
Turn on Output3 if Manual
Turn off Output3 if Manual
Turn on Output4 if Manual
Turn off Output4 if Manual
f. Digital Outputs: Read outputs:
Card returns a string of the form ‘xxxx<c/r>’, where x is
either “1” or “0” representing the status of the 4 output
opto relays OUT4,OUT3,OUT2,OUT1 respectively.
g. Digital Inputs: Read inputs & toggling counter:
Card returns a string of the form 'xxxx<c/r>’, where x is
either “1” or “0” representing the digital input status of
IN4,IN3,IN2,IN1 respectively.
Gets a 16 bit ‘toggling counter’. The ‘toggling counter’
increments each time when input #2 is toggled.