Suppose there are 3 boards in the system, addressed 1, 2 & 3.
(The blue text is the PC side, the red text is the response from the
board(s), and the black text is our comments)
Example #1: Everything goes fine
(no response as no board is active)
A1 Board #1 becomes active
^2 Responded by board #1. Means: I (board #1) am becoming
inactive in favor of board #2, even though it’s unknown
for me whether board #2 exists or not.
A2 Responded by board #2. Means: I (board #2) am becoming
active, assuming that no other board is active.
(Note: Comments analogue to the above two ones (about ^2 and A2) are
relevant also for the other ^x and Ax commands; however, for the sake of
readability, the following comments are shorter.)
^3 Board #2 becomes inactive in favor of board #3
A3 Board #3 becomes active
^1 Board #3 becomes inactive in favor of board #1
A1 Board #1 becomes active