The only maintenance that is required for the heater is the
periodic cleaning of the heater’s electrostatic lter (located at
the back of the unit). This cleaning should be performed at least
once a month, or earlier as dust becomes visible on the lter, to
ensure efcient operation of the heater.
Cleaning the Electrostatic Filter
Clean the lter often to provide for maximum performance.
When necessary, wipe the cabinet clean with a soft damp cloth
and/or furniture polish.
1. Power the heater off by pressing the Power Button, located
on the left side of the Control Panel. (Note: The sound of the
heater’s fans will continue until the heat has been completely
vented, thus protecting the unit and preventing waste by
cycling the remaining heat into the room. DO NOT unplug
the heater until the sound of the fan has stopped. Doing so
may cause damage to the unit.)
2. When the heater’s fans have stopped (the heater will become
completely silent) unplug the heater.
3. Release the Electrostatic Filter by pushing the lter up from
4. Remove the Electrostatic Filter by pulling the lter down
and out.
5. Clean the lter by vacuuming the lter until clear.
6. Replace the lter by sliding the top upwards into the spring-
loaded slot on the back of the heater, then gently press the
bottom of the lter into place.
Removing Filter
Replacing Filter