cold air return. This will alow for more efcient heating.
Experiment with the placement of the heater to see what
works best for you.
• To ensure maximum efciency, a 30% minimum relative
humidity should be maintained in the heated environment.
• The heater is designed to operate for maximum efciency
in the 68-74 degree range. Due to the soft heat concept,
temperatures at 68 degrees F feel as though it were
72 degrees F. This is due to the heat mixing with humidity
evenly for head-to-toe comfort.
• When the heater is placed in an isolated area, i.e. basement
or recreation area, any existing HVAC heating system vents
should be closed in that area, if possible. This allows the
heater to maintain the isolated area more efciently.
• If placing the heater a few feet above the oor, such in
rooms with large areas of bare concrete, make sure the
heater is secure and won’t fall. This will allow for more
efcient heating since concrete acts as a heat sink and will
tend to draw the heat in its direction. Optimally, concrete
oors should be covered to provide some insulation factor
from the concrete.
• For zone heating: set your central heating system to a lower
temperature. Place the heater in the area you spend the most
of your time. Now set the heater to your comfort level.
• When heating larger areas, place the heater in a central
• If the heater is used in an extremely dirty area, the lter
must be cleaned more frequently to maintain heater