
FLEXNet DC Measurements
The FLEXNet DC can measure and record:
• Volts for one battery bank*
• Amps**
• KiloWatts
• kWhrs removed from the batteries
• kWhrs returned to the batteries
• Amp hours removed from the batteries
• Amp hours returned to the batteries
• Battery bank state-of-charge
• Lifetime kiloamp hours removed from the batteries***
• Days since charge parameters last met
• Lowest battery state-of-charge reached
• Minimum battery voltage***
• Maximum battery voltage***
• Maximum amp charged***
• Maximum amp discharged***
• Maximum kWhrs charged***
• Maximum kWhrs discharged***
* Battery volt input: 0-80 VDC in .1 volt resolution
** 2000 amp DC span (+/- 1000 amps DC—net amps are charging, net amps
are discharging), .1 amp resolution
*** The user can manually reset these data. At any given time, the values
displayed are the most recent since the values were last displayed
For each channel
For each amps channel